Friday, March 6, 2020

The Birth of an American Band in the 60s Listening Exercise

The Birth of an American Band in the 60s Listening Exercise p class=p1I recently  found an animated blog of undiscovered interviews with famous people. After wasting too much time on the site, I finally had to choose one of the interviews, and decided to share this interview with Jerry Garcia about the Grateful Dead. They are one of my favorite bands, and I especially like to listen to them in the summer. Try out the exercise and writing assignment.. If you want to practice your English a href= out the site/a. They have tons of great interviews./p iframe src=// width=560 height=315 frameborder=0 allowfullscreen=allowfullscreen/iframe p class=p11. What was their first band name and why did they change?/p p class=p12. How did they decide on their new name?/p p class=p13. That was about the time we ___ __ with the acid tests./p p class=p14. What kinds of bars were they playing in? How long did they play these types of gigs?/p p class=p15. Why were they able to go to one of Keseys part ies?/p p class=p16. How was their equipment different from the normal musical instruments that they played at the parties?/p p class=p17. What was their goal with the band?/p p class=p18. How long did the acid tests last?/p p class=p1Tell me about your favorite band and music. Do you think music is getting better or worse? Do you think good music is still being produced?/p

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